How We Feel

The decision to redesign this app was prompted by subpar user flow and the absence of crucial features.



Illustrator, Photoshop, Figma, Prototyping

People in their 20-40s looking to improve their overall well-being and take time in their day to reflect on their emotions.


For this project, each student in my class was assigned the task of identifying and enhancing an app developed during the peak of the pandemic. The objective was to redesign the app, including optimization of the user flow for mobile phone applications, and subsequently adapting it into an Apple Watch app to ensure a seamless cross-device user experience.

We started by identifying the key user flow for the application, and then mapped out that journey step by step.

Analysis and Research

The project followed a methodology that included analysis, redesign, development, testing and evaluation to achieve the objectives of improving the app's usability, accessibility, and relevance. Based on this analysis and user research, I pinpointed the mobile app needed improved usability, additional features and more organization. From this point, I created simple wire-frames for the new iPhone and iWatch user flow.

Building the App and Prototyping

Many weeks were spent building my user flow and creating elements and components for my new application. Both the iPhone and iWatch flows were turned into prototypes which the links for can be found below.

Color Palette




Looking critically at this app helped me to understand why users chose certain apps and what is important to creating a successful program. Additionally, taking my iPhone user flow into the wearable space helped me to understand what information is critical to an app so that it can be understood through a small device.


Record Collective

